Climate action

Scientifically proven, climate change is a highly critical risk for life on earth. At SCHOTT Pharma, we have committed to take responsibility for the impacts of our business operations. Described in the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal 13 as “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”, climate action is one of the four strategic pillars of the entire SCHOTT Group.

Dr. Almuth SteinkĂĽhler, CFO SCHOTT Pharma
Almuth SteinkĂĽhler, CFO of SCHOTT Pharma
The time to act on climate change is now. We must all take responsibility – governments, society and companies. At SCHOTT Pharma, we are ready to play our part in decarbonization.

In 2020 the entire SCHOTT group began its program “Zero Carbon”. Utilizing the synergies across all business units, the program drives decarbonization as a Group-wide priority. In particular, the program reduces emissions by:

  • Improving energy efficiency,
  • Using green electricity across all sites (operational since 2021)
  • And initiating technology change.

These measures are complemented by the ambition to achieve climate-neutral operation with respect to Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 2030. This ambition anticipates compensation for emissions cannot be reduced by 2030 due to long timelines for technological or ecosystem change. In 2023, climate actions were complemented by extension to Scope 3 and external validation of our roadmap and targets.

Commitment to science-based targets

As a research-focused company, we are driven by scientific evidence, so we joined the independent Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). In 2023, SCHOTT Group's climate action roadmap and targets were validated by the SBTi. This intensive review confirmed that our roadmap is in line with the current state of climate science and supports the requirements of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. The validated targets include a commitment to:

  • Reducing our absolute Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 46.2% by fiscal year 2030.
  • Reducing our absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from fuel and energy-related activities (Scope 3.3) as well as investments (3.15) by 27.5% by fiscal year 2030
  • Engaging our supply chains to cover 74.23% of the Scope 3 emissions related to purchased goods and services (Scope 3.1), capital goods (Scope 3.2) and upstream transportation and distribution (Scope 3.4) using suppliers with their own scientific reduction targets by 2027.

Set and validated for the Group, SCHOTT Pharma is equally committed to meeting those targets for the scope of business. SCHOTT Pharma will therefore transparently report its actions and progress towards those targets in its non-financial reporting, starting with the report for fiscal year 2024.

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From understanding the drivers to specific action

The state-of-the art manufacture of glass-based drug containment solutions requires fossil fuel to melt borosilicate glass tubes as well as for conversion of the glass tubes into final geometry of syringes, cartridges, vials or ampoules. This use of fossil fuel in production is the largest driver of GHG emissions, followed by the electric operations for automated processes, facility and cleanroom management and other energy consumption for crossover technologies. Additionally, externally sourced goods and services such as packaging materials and capital goods increase the Scope 3 footprint of our operations.

To reduce SCHOTT Pharma’s GHG emissions, specific actions are taken in the following areas:

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Global drive for energy efficiency

With a focus on reducing gas consumption while producing glass products of equal or better quality, we are rolling out optimized production processes and parameters across our sites. Guided by data, our local experts exchange best practices, while a second global community of experts focuses on energy reduction in crossover technologies, from compressors to heating. Together, these teams enable our production sites to deliver the same output with reduced energy consumption and GHG emissions.


100% green electricity since 2021

A 2019 analysis of our corporate carbon footprint showed that more than half of our electricity consumption originated from our production processes, cleanroom operation and administration. So we immediately decided to switch to green electricity. This was completed across all sites in 2021. Green electricity is sourced via Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and locally sourced, third-party verified Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs).

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Technology change for glass melting

Within the SCHOTT group, the Tubing business unit is building its first commercial-scale tank for electrified melting of pharma-quality glass tubes. By 2026, this will enable us to drastically reduce the emissions related to SCHOTT Pharma’s largest Scope 3 contribution: the glass itself.


Technology change in glass forming

From forming principles to washing equipment, we systematically review and integrate new, low-emission technologies. For example we are fading out all gas-driven heat tunnels for the stress relaxation of glass containers. Using new technology for washing, we are also working tu use less water and reduce the need for gas consumption in achieving water-for-injection quality.


Supplier engagement for change

The largest share of SCHOTT Pharma’s emission footprint lies outside of our own operations. Therefore, collaborating on sustainable packaging concepts and material solutions and encouraging the use of green electricity is a fundamental focus of our climate actions. SCHOTT Pharma runs an annual assessment of the sustainability performance of its key suppliers, which has been integrated as key criterion for supplier evaluation. We need the right partners to jointly drive progress and reduce emissions.

Get in touch

Philipp Ludihuser

Philipp Ludihuser

Sustainability Manager

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